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A Lion Out of it's Cage

 I'm very timid when I'm inside the class. When it's time for me to go in front of the class to present my work, I become stiff and I can't say the words that I practiced. I want to be free from this little cage that I built for myself.

I wasn't like this before. I'm very active in recitations. I was always praised for being active in classes. But what happened now?

When I entered this school I already told myself that I should study harder. I did. But I realized that there were more better students than me. That's when I lost my confidence. I always hesitate before raising my hand.

And I regret it now. I hoped I was active in every recitation. Because my stiffness affected my grades.

I want to be the girl before. The girl whose day isn't complete if she didn't participate in a recitation.

Like a lion, I want to be out of my cage. I want to show what I'm capable of.

That's how I want people to remember me.

A Lion Out of it's Cage